God's Grace Is Sufficient For All

Do you ever come across those people who are so easy to talk to and seem to understand what you are saying? Then you come across someone totally opposite. They are someone who requires so much more patience and grace than we feel we can extend to them. I have been leading a voluntary FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meeting with my football players that choose to attend it once a week. One of the students or myself will read a Scripture. Then we talk about the relationship that Scripture has with football and then discuss it as a group and encourage one another.A lot of the boys that come to the meetings are pretty raw in their faith and still have some important questions about being a Christian. I love their honesty that they come to the meetings with and love hearing their input on their growing faith. I love seeing the boys that consistently show up and are engaged in the Scripture and in learning about Christ.Sometimes a little discouragement will come over me with the ones that don’t come consistently or the ones that don’t come at all. As soon as this comes in, I have to turn from that thought and focus on loving each and every one of my players. My impact goes beyond a short FCA meeting at the end of practice. As a follower of Christ, I am called to extend God’s love, patience, and grace that He has extended to me. If I only love those who are easy to love, then I need to find a new God to love because Jesus’ grace is sufficient.

God extends His grace to anyone who wants to receive it. He extends His patience with those who are still caught up in the world. He waits with open arms to receive them when they come to Him.

It is so easy to be gracious towards those who receive it. It is so easy to be patient with those who quickly find understanding. And it is so easy to love those who are loveable. We are Christians spreading the news of Christ to a broken world. Anyone we encounter that doesn’t know Christ doesn’t truly know grace or patience or love. After all, Jesus’ grace, patience and love for us never fails. Lets stop taking the easy way out! Jesus sure didn’t.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9


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