Thanking God For My Past and Trusting Him For The Future

Thanking God is often something Christians forget to do during a busy day. But a fellow blogger wrote a post titled “Motivation to Finish Strong” that met me right where I was at. It was no coincidence that I read it at a time when I was swamped at work. I felt like I could barely breathe because of all the piles of work set before me.

Thankfully God used him and that post to remind me of the greater picture.

A week or so later I went back to read it a second time. Once again, God used it, but this time he spoke to me on a spiritual level. Yet again I was getting ahead of myself looking at all the spiritual work yet to be done in the coming months/years. But after reading the post a second time I felt lead to open my journal. Then I started writing whatever was on my heart.I didn’t plan to share this with anyone but when I was done writing I felt like God wanted to use this to meet someone else where they were at. I truly hope this will help someone along their faith walk, I know it helped me.

Thanking God for my past and trusting Him for the future:

Father, I love you. I know this will sound cliché but it is completely true, you are more amazing than I can comprehend. I have a lot of "I’m sorry's." from things I have done along the way. The best part is that you don’t see that when you look at me. You look at me with your soft loving eyes at who I am in you. I’m a beloved child of yours and nothing or no one can take that away from me. I don’t know exactly why you do the things you do, but I can’t imagine going through life with anyone else. You were on your hands and knees with me during the ugliest periods of my life. And I’ll never forget when we, emphasis on we, made it to the top of the mountain after years of digging, scrapping, falling, and fighting. You never missed one moment and nothing can take that away from us. Looking back at where our journey began I would have never imagined what was lying ahead. We have been on the front lines of the spiritual battle field fighting side by side for some time now. There have been a lot of victories and a few battles I tried to fight myself. We both know that didn’t turn out very well, but thankfully when I cried out for help you came to my rescue time and time again. You’ll fight a billion enemies just to rescue me.

There is no end to your love and devotion for me and nothing on this earth can take that away from us.  

What would be the point of life without you? Before I knew you I was just a hamster on the wheel of life chasing one high after another. It was so exhausting. Plus I always set myself up for failure when I felt like I needed to impress and get the approval from everyone around me. Once I stepped off the giant hamster wheel I was able to look around and see the bigger picture. You designed life to be lived in freedom, not on a wheel constantly running to keep pace with everyone and everything on this earth. Once I filled the God void with, well God, a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I’m so thankful you live in me and with me. Nothing or no one can take that away from us.

From this moment on, I have been thanking God for my past and am now trusting him with my future in a way I never have before.

I encourage you to take a moment to read though this letter once again.


God's Grace Is Sufficient For All


Just because it Is God's Will Doesn't Mean it Will Be Easy