How to be Thankful Always and in Everything

A friend of mine recently came down with the sniffles. Being a person of science, she was very upset at her immune system. She felt it had let her down once again.But after a few days, she had a change of heart. My friend came to the realization that her God-given immune system protects her tremendously most of the time. She was convicted by this. She knew she was never as loud with thanksgiving as she was with grievances.My friend isn’t unusual though. We’re all ungrateful at times even though we know it’s wrong. But there’s a better way. A more righteous way. A more loving way.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (ESV)

All circumstances? Really? That seems to be pretty cut and dry. But maybe it’s a scriptural anomaly.

Ephesians 5:20 - Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, (ESV)

Nope. Think again. Thankfulness is a cornerstone of our faith. It’s crucial; it’s vital to our existence as people of God. Since it’s that important, let’s figure out a few ways to put thanksgiving in all circumstances into practice.

Give a Daily Prayer of Gratitude

If you feel you can’t do it daily, then start by doing it weekly. Prayer is truly a different experience when it’s full of praise for our Lord and Savior. Prayers of lamentations and supplication are necessary to a full Christian life, but they too often seem to be the default. Let’s instead work to make gratitude our default.

Write a Friend a “Thank You” Note

If you’re worried about weirding out your friends, relax. Genuine appreciation is always welcomed. I’ve been writing “thank you” notes for three or four years now, and it has been amazing. Once you start this habit, it becomes incredibly contagious.

Avoid Being Around Complainers

Scripture isn’t fond of grumblers and complainers. There are probably several reasons for this, but I believe it’s because grumblers and complainers rob us of our ability to be thankful in all circumstances.

Related Post: 3 biblical steps for developing a mindset of thankfulness

Look, I get it. These suggestions aren’t easy. Life happens. However, I believe God knows what’s for our best. So rejoice in the Lord today, and be glad in it.


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