A Joyful Heart is Good Medicine [Living a More Joyful Life]
Joy is one of the great characteristics of the Kingdom of God. I've learned that that a joyful heart is good medicine, and it can only be found in God.
Do You Laugh at Misfortune?
"You have to laugh or you'll go mad." Can a joke about cancer be funny? What about a humorous situation in a Third-World country or a nursing home?
Closing 2020 and Opening a New Chapter Called 2021
Today ends the chapter of 2020. Tomorrow 2021 begins. A new year that many of us have been waiting for. Here are my thoughts on New Year's Eve.
How to be Thankful Always and in Everything
Thankfulness is vital to our existence as people of God. But it's tough. Let’s figure out a few ways to put thanksgiving in all circumstances into practice.
Giving Thanks... But For What?
Giving Thanks makes sense to us, sometimes. What about when it's been a tough year or season for your life? Here's a new perspective for you.
3 Biblical Steps for Developing a Mindset of Thankfulness
It's been a challenging year for many of us. Here are 3 Biblical steps for developing a mindset of thankfulness that will help you this year.
My Quarantine To-Do List [What's on Yours?]
As more and more is stripped away, I find there is less and less to distract me from what I really should be doing during this time of quarantine.
What to Do When You’re Not Happy
Many people lack happiness in their lives. In this post I am going to talk about what to do when you're not happy in life.
What to Remember When Your Life is Full of Pain
Life can hurt. Pain seems to find a way into our lives when we least expect it. However, we must remember that love remains and joy will return to us.
Going From Desperate and Anxious to Joyful and Thankful
This world can make us feel so alone, desperate and anxious but trusting in God can help you to feel joyful and thankful.
Why Christmas Week is Best Time to Rekindle Friendships
Though Christmas day is often the focus of the season, the whole week of Christmas proves to be a time to invest in friendships and pour into one another.
How to Live a Happier Life [Podcast]
We all want to be happy in life. But that's not reality for many of us. This episode of the Good Christian Podcast talks about how to live a happier life.
Count it All Joy: The Gift of Being Stripped of All You Have
God desires for you to know Him, and to know that regardless of what you gain or lose you have all you need if you remain in Him.
How to be Full of Joy Even if You're Suffering Right Now
We can be full of joy in the midst of our suffering if only we can see the flip side to it and not just the side that invokes pain. (It's about perspective)
No Fear of Death
Do you have a fear of death? Well do not worry, you are not alone. Most people have this very same fear and it is an uncomfortable one.
Avengers End Game: Thoughts From a Movie Novice
The highest grossing movie of all time, "Avengers End Game", doesn't dissappoint in deleivering issues for us Christians to dig deeper on.
Hope: My Cup of Shine
Life is full of ups and downs. No matter how stormy life becomes, though, God is our hope and strength. He promises sunshine following the rain.