What Should Thanksgiving Really Be About?
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is often overlooked, or misunderstood in today's world. It's not about what we've made it about. It's all about giving thanks; and it always has been.
How to be Thankful Always and in Everything
Thankfulness is vital to our existence as people of God. But it's tough. Let’s figure out a few ways to put thanksgiving in all circumstances into practice.
Giving Thanks... But For What?
Giving Thanks makes sense to us, sometimes. What about when it's been a tough year or season for your life? Here's a new perspective for you.
The Season of Thanks-Giving
Thanksgiving is more than a day, it's a time of gratitude that each of us can participate in. It's the season of Thanks-Giving!
3 Biblical Steps for Developing a Mindset of Thankfulness
It's been a challenging year for many of us. Here are 3 Biblical steps for developing a mindset of thankfulness that will help you this year.