A Journey - Part 1: Discovery

All of us are on a journey. Some of us know where our journey is taking us and why we're headed there. Others choose to live by the moment they're in and seek the thrill of adventure. Then there are others who just seek comfort and ease along the way. Regardless of what path is chosen, our journeys all begin with our very first breath originating from God Almighty. The next steps are up to us.When I was a young boy, I was lucky enough to have been taught the classic Bible stories.  However, that left me with only "knowing of" Jesus and not fully "knowing" Him...

Not fully understanding who Jesus was and how He fit into my life left me wandering in a void for many years.

It wasn't until I comissioned into the U.S. Air Force in 2009 that I began to temporarily fill that void for something greater than myself; but there was still something knocking at my heart...In late 2010, after serving just over a year on active duty, I had a co-worker who suggested I pursue Freemasonry. He explained being a Mason was all about knowing God and he assured me it was a great brotherhood to be a part of... I dove in head first.

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However, after just three short months, I found myself as a "Master Mason" and hadn't quite found any "Light" at the end of the tunnel.  I still recall silently praying during the promotion ceremony, "Jesus, I am hoping to find you in all of this. Please show me if I'm going the wrong way."

Faithfully, Jesus started answering that prayer just hours later.

You see, I was quickly informed by a couple of the "brothers" that I wasn't allowed to talk about Jesus or Politics in the Lodge; as there were Muslim and Jewish Masons and we didn't want to offend them. This threw the biggest knot in my chest for many days to come; as all I could recall from my younger days was "Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light" (John 14:6). I mean here I was searching for "truth and light"; but I wasn't even allowed to call those two things by their rightful Name. Thankfully, this was the same exact week the LORD used my missteps to lead me out of darkness.It was now early 2011 and my job took me to a training school far away from the Freemasons. This school also brought on many hours of solitude in a hotel room at the end of the training day.

It was there in Room 208 where I would finally meet Jesus.

You see, I'll never forget that lonely night where I sat thumbing through the Bible, feeling so completely lost, angered, and afraid. Tears began to stream down my cheeks and they drove me to me knees; where I found myself begging for Him to get rid of the knot in my chest placed just days earlier. I pleaded for Him to show me who He was; as I wanted to "know Him" and serve Him as my King.I fell asleep in shambles that night and remember waking up the next morning to that same Bible next to me.As I opened my eyes, I radiated with an indescribable Love surrounding me. It was as if I was being embraced while hearing, "I love you, my child... I'll never leave you."

I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt my life had changed and Jesus was now a part of me forever.

The next phone call I made that day was to the Freemason Lodge; to which I renounced all titles and associations with the organization. Upon the voice on the other end of the phone asking me why the sudden withdrawal in membership, I informed him I proudly follow Jesus and can't do that as a Freemason. He didn't say much after that; but left me with an "Ok.  Take Care." That was that...I had successfully  been pursued and rescued by Jesus.  I came to understand He had always pursued me and when I finally set my heart to Him he was faithful to bring me to the point of discovery.However, unlike most childhood fairytales, the journey doesn't end there.

Little did I know I was even more vulnerable in my new adventure than I had ever been before...

Continue Reading: A Journey - Part 2: StruggleContinue Reading: A Journey - Part 3: Relationship


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