3 Key Ways to Hear God's Voice [Video]

We can hear God's voice anytime and anywhere, but for most of us we don't know how to engage the presence of God to hear his voice. 1 Samuel 3 talks about a young boy named Samuel who heard God’s voice but didn't recognize it at first.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pQKUmNqEEk?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

I believe Samuel did three key things to hear God’s voice in his life:

1. Worship

The first thing Samuel did was worship God. Every day he would thank God for what he had given him and praised God for His goodness. I believe this is key for us to give God the honor he deserves. Listening to worship music is a great way to help and guide us in giving God the praise he deserves. Worship is an act of respect to God.

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You won’t listen to someone you don’t respect. How can you add worship to show God the honor and respect he deserves?

2. Invite

The story continued that Samuel heard his name while sleeping and woke up thinking his master had called him. He went to him but to his surprise, it was not him. This happened three times until his master told him that it must have been God and when you hear it again say, "Speak Lord for your servant hears.”I believe this is another key part for us to hear God’s voice is to invite God in and to speak to us. We must be quiet and give God the opportunity to speak. When we pray it is us doing all the talking but we must stop talking and listen. We should listen for as long as we pray. Inviting God to speak tells our minds to stop and receive. Asking God to speak is more for us so we can get in the right state of mind. Do you invite God into your prayer moments?

3. Rest

After Samuel heard God speak to him the word says he was at rest and stayed at rest until morning. I feel being at a place of rest is very important for us to hear God’s voice; not at a physical rest but a mental rest. Physical rest helps our mind slow down, but the important thing is that we slow down our thoughts and focus on God. Rest helps us disconnect from the busyness of life and work to refocus on what is important.

What can you do to be at a state of rest?

God is just waiting to speak to His children and to share His wisdom with us. I encourage you to add the strategies of Samuel into your life to help engage the presence of God, and allow Him to speak into your life.


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