The Season of Thanks-Giving

November is the season of gratitude. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on November 1st, we begin to see signs of “many thanks” pop up everywhere. Many people participate in 30 days of gratitude challenges, listing one thing every day that they are thankful for. It is truly a wonderful season of thanks-giving!

There are definitely going to be people who struggle to feel thankful this year.

This has been a long, challenging one and in these moments it can become difficult to fish out the goodness. For this reason, I challenge all of us to make this a season of thanks-giving.

"You will be made rich in everything so that your generosity will spill over in every direction. Through us your generosity is at work inspiring praise and thanks-giving to God." 2 Corinthians 9:11 (The Voice)

God designed us with a nature of generosity. Every creation of God lives with the purpose to give to something else. The sun provides us warmth and nourishment; the plants provide oxygen and nutrients; and so on. We are no different. It is in God’s DNA to be generous and giving – which is a quality of ours too.

"Thanks-giving is our dialect." - Ephesians 5:4

The difference with humans is that we also have the choice. God gifted us with the great responsibility of free will. The secret to a thankful heart is a giving heart.


As we search for things to be grateful for, I pray that we would accept the challenge to start first with practicing generosity.

The light that shines farthest shines the brightest at home. Let’s begin to pour out love into our communities until the atmosphere is so saturated with it that we begin to soak it back in.

"When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out". - Matthew 6:4 (The Message)

As children of God, our hearts and our spirits desire the opportunity to give and sow into others. It is woven into the fabric of who we are. When we awaken to what we were born for, nothing else is appealing, and suddenly everything becomes a blessing.

"The light that shines farthest shines the brightest at home."

The more we give, the easier it becomes to give thanks, because you become sensitive to the goodness around you. Happy thanks-giving to you all! Let's make this the best one yet.


Giving Thanks... But For What?


3 Biblical Steps for Developing a Mindset of Thankfulness