Jesus Over Everything: Relational Discretion

 The phrase "Jesus over everything" refers to the belief and practice of prioritizing Jesus Christ and his teachings above all else in one's life. It is a declaration of faith and commitment to follow Jesus as the ultimate authority and source of guidance.

Discretion, in a biblical context, may refer to the application of wisdom and discernment based on the teachings and principles found in the Bible, what is often referred as living by the word. 

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. -- Luke 4:4

It involves making wise choices and judgments in accordance with God's Word and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. This kind of discretion helps believers to navigate life with integrity and righteousness, avoiding actions that are contrary to God's will and pursuing what is pleasing to Him. It involves considering the consequences of our actions, the impact on others, and aligning our decisions with biblical principles such as are listed amongst the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Biblical discretion is an important aspect of the Christian life, as it helps believers to live in a manner that glorifies God and honours humanity.

Relationships are at the core of the life and mission of Jesus Christ on earth which means they ought to be foundational to our Christian faith. Jesus came to reconcile God with humanity and humanity to each other, this makes how we do relationships a major part of our walk with Christ. Relational discretion, in this context, refers to the exercise of wisdom and discernment in choosing and maintaining relationships. It means being selective of the people we surround ourselves with plus being aware of the impact they have on our faith and spiritual growth.


“Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character,”-- 1 Corinthians 15:33


This is a challenge for us to consider the company we keep and their influence on our character.

When we prioritize Jesus over everything, it affects how we approach relationships. It means seeking out friends and mentors who share our faith and values, who can support and encourage us in our journey with Christ. It also means being cautious about entering into close relationships with those who may lead us away from our faith or compromise our beliefs.

However, it is vital for us to understand that relational discretion is very different from discrimination. I must confess that I also struggle with this a lot because on one hand we are to love all people but then also be careful who we let into our lives. It feels like a contradiction, to be honest, hence induces some type of internal conflict even as I write this or maybe as you are reading it as well. But I also know from experience that the company we keep has a defining effect on our lives because we often become who we are surrounded by. A personal example is when I spend time listening to negative chatter or maybe indulging in office moaning I begin to feel the unsavoury effect on my mind and words.

Relational discretion involves being mindful of the influence others have on us and being intentional about fostering healthy, edifying relationships. It means being discerning about who we allow into our inner circle and being willing to distance ourselves from those who may hinder our spiritual growth – and this distance can just mean limiting the time or reducing the access we may give to those who we feel may have a negative impact on our spiritual, emotional plus psychological well-being.

 Ultimately, Jesus over everything and relational discretion go hand in hand. By placing Jesus at the centre of our lives and being discerning in our relationships, we can ensure that our faith remains strong and that we are surrounded by people who will encourage and support us in our walk with Christ.



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