Your Passion Defines Your Purpose
One question I have struggled with is how do we go about discovering how to match the gifts God has given us to the purpose in which he has called us.
The Meaning Behind "Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done"
I believe that many people have been deceived into believing that we are always supposed to sit back and wait for the will of the Father to be revealed.
Why You May Be Struggling To Hear God and How To Push Through It
There are several reasons we may struggle to hear God, but when we seek Him wholeheartedly, we will walk out of our desert season.
5 Day Devotional Challenge for Healing From Past Hurts
We have all been hurt before. But we find healing as we learn to be vulnerable and open to our Heavenly Father, ourselves, and those around us.
Why Christians Need to Start Embracing the "Not Yet"
In seasons where we feel God is saying "not yet," we can trust in Him to bring His promises to pass even as we wait on Him.
The Ultimate Goal is to Follow Jesus
The ultimate goal in life is to follow Jesus, right? Trusting God in this process is key to acquiring peace, while waiting for things to unfold.
Grief - Where is Your Faith in Death?
Instinctively, when someone passes away, I think we all have asked God "why?" Understanding death can be hard for everyone.
Your Stress is My Stress - Is Stress Contagious?
Stress can be very complicated, especially when the stress is not your own. That's called transitional stress and it can do a lot of harm.
What Makes Good Friday so Good?
With the Friday before Easter being such a dark and bleak event, commemorating a day of suffering and death of Jesus, why is it called "Good Friday"?
Nothing is Impossible with God
Living out your God given dream requires faith when you face the impossible situations for nothing is impossible with God.
Death on Earth, but Supernatural Life with Jesus?
Shame and guilt bring on spiritual death, but Jesus brought redemption for all people. Earthly death is a natural part of life, known as the circle of life.
Where is Your Faith in Trying Times - Faith in Miscarriage
Have you ever noticed your faith tank on empty until faith is your only option? It's what you come to rely on when all else seems to be failing you.
There are Times When Less is More
With God, less can actually be more. And rather than doubt when we feel shorthanded we can choose to trust Him instead. This is the story of Gideon.
I Heard God Whisper, “Do you know how much I love you?”
When God speaks, it's often a whisper that we need to lean in to hear. I've found this to be true when I heard God whisper the most beautiful words to me.
How to Shift Your Focus to Eternal Treasure Instead of Worldly Treasure
How tragic is it, if we would seek fleeting treasure in its present form rather than the eternal treasures promised by God?
God Has Called Christians to Have a Heart for People
Brokenness exists everywhere with all people. There’s brokenness in our homes with our families, in our offices with co-workers, our friends, neighbors
Stress and Anxiety are Not Your Friends
A common issue people have is stress and anxiety. These can be detrimintal, even crippling to a healthy life. Trust in God can combat our fears and worries.
Embracing Vulnerability: How To Do It
There is a power in becoming vulnerable. When we see someone as vulnerable, we see that they aren’t always as ‘together’ as we thought they were.