What's Wrong with This Picture of the Nativity Scene? [Take The Quiz]

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Most of us don’t spend much time, if any, in the Scriptures. We take other peoples’ word for it and don’t seek the Truth for ourselves. Jesus' birth story and the nativity scene stands alone as the most significant event of all time – together with His life, death, and resurrection. He is our salvation and deliverer which is the very meaning of His God-given name, Jesus. The whole counsel of His word is life’s manual for His disciples.

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Christmas, for many of us, is the time to remember and celebrate Jesus' birth. A practical way that many of us do this is by displaying a nativity scene in our homes. Many people, Christian and non-Christian, have the nativity scene on display during the holiday season. It's become more of a tradition than anything else. Let's look at the definition.

What does a nativity scene symbolize?

The Christian nativity scene or Christmas nativity scene symbolizes the day that Jesus was born. (Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth) Jesus represents the introduction of grace to the world. Ultimately, he was born of man, lived a perfect life without sin or fault, then was killed, which ultimately lead to the freedom of all. I'll go into more detail, explaining what the nativity scene is below.

What is a nativity scene?

The nativity scene is a set of figures displayed at Christmas as an artistic representation of the birth of Jesus Christ. Traditionally the nativity scene presents figures of the infant Jesus, his mother, Mary, and her husband, Joseph. Other characters from the nativity story, such as shepherds, sheep, and angels may be displayed near the manger in a barn intended to accommodate farm animals, as described in the Gospel of Luke.

But, is that accurate? No. Without a doubt, Christmas and the nativity scene has dubious origins.

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It's important to note that we are not saying you shouldn't have or display a nativity scene. We love it! But it's important to know that it's not 100% accurate. Knowing and understanding the Bible for ourselves is an essential part of the Christian faith.Judy Sanfilippo, one of our authors, created this ten question quiz about the nativity scene and its accuracy, which is made to be both fun and informative for our readers. So, are you ready to take the quiz? Click here to get started!

  • STATS FROM CHRISTMAS 2018: 300 people took the quiz and less than 30% of people answered 50% or more of the questions correctly.
  • STATS FROM CHRISTMAS 2019: 500+ people took the quiz and less than 5% of people answered all of the questions correctly.

In concluding this blog post, we hope that you'll take the quiz! It's a fun way to end what has been a tough year for many people. We encourage you to share this with people you know. It's both a fun and educational way to share the true meaning of Christmas with friends and family. Enjoy the quiz!!!


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