God Has the Power to Love Billions of People, Even You
When Jesus walked the earth there were only 300 million people. Today, we have over 7.5 BILLION people walking the earth. Would Jesus' same power translate?
How You Can Begin Owning Your Testimony and Using it For God
There is power in your testimony, and not because it is big and dramatic. Embrace the simplicity of your personal journey with God.
The Problem with Christians in America
Christians in America are facing a serious problem when it comes to our relationship with Jesus. Many of us are blind to it. I believe many of us do not experience Jesus the way we should because of this problem...
Who God Says We Are
The world may try to shape our identity, but God tells a different story. When we set our sights on who God says we are, the impossible becomes possible.
Releasing the Power of Vision in Your Life [Podcast]
The Bible tells us that people perish without vision. Releasing the power of vision in your life begins with the understanding that true vision only comes from God, not worldly culture.